Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Last Laboratory Session

On Friday we had our last laboratory session. A lot of this time was spent neatening the circuit by shortening wires, making sure everything was on veroboard and soldered correctly ready to be placed inside the submarine body.

Testing and altering the sonar took most of the laboratory session we had to calculate the speed of sound underwater compared to air, this was approximately ¼ of the speed and so we have to alter the Arduino UNO code. However with these calculations and changing other variables within the code we still struggled to get the sonar working underwater. It is too late to get another component but the team agreed we should have got a sonar device specifically for underwater use rather than choosing a cheaper component.

The rest of the session was spent adding the circuit into the UAV and sealing it in and waterproofing it. Due to the sonar problems it has been left out of the circuit and we have put the backup code on the Arduino.

Finished result:

Unfortunately we have had problems with buoyancy and hoping to sort them out before the bench inspection.

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